If you arrived here you are probably searching about how to run this amazing (highly popular) new framework - Playwright - and the fact that it’s not currently supported by Fedora. Or you ended up installing it and getting this stack error message:

>           raise rewrite_error(error, f"{parsed_st['apiName']}: {error}") from None
E           playwright._impl._errors.Error: BrowserType.launch: 
E           ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
E           ║ Host system is missing dependencies to run browsers. ║
E           ║ Missing libraries:                                   ║
E           ║     libicudata.so.66                                 ║
E           ║     libicui18n.so.66                                 ║
E           ║     libicuuc.so.66                                   ║
E           ║     libjpeg.so.8                                     ║
E           ║     libwebp.so.6                                     ║
E           ║     libffi.so.7                                      ║
E           ║     libx264.so                                       ║
E           ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════

So, what’s the matter?

Right now Fedora is not officially supported by Playwright. Running it inside Docker is what developers are usually doing in such a scenario (you can read more about it in this issue).

When using pytest-playwright the issue only starts happening when the tests run in headed mode. We can see some libraries missing from that stack error.

Install dependencies for Fedora 41

sudo dnf install -y libicu \
    libjpeg-turbo \
    libwebp \
    flite \
    pcre \
    libffi \
    mesa-libgbm \
    libdrm \
    xorg-x11-server-Xvfb \
    atk \
    at-spi2-atk \
    libXcomposite \
    libXdamage \
    libXrandr \
    libXtst \
    cups-libs \
    libxcb \
    libXScrnSaver \
    alsa-lib \
    pango \
    cairo \

sudo dnf install -y gtk3 \
    libnotify \
    liberation-fonts \
    wqy-zenhei-fonts \
    liberation-sans-fonts \

Running pytest-playwright in headed mode

With the dependencies installed, now it’s possible to run pytest-playwright in headed mode.

First make sure to pip install pytest-playwright.

Add the simple following test in the tests folder with a nomenclature that pytest will be able to find it, e.g tests/test_playwright_page.py.

import re
from playwright.sync_api import Page, expect

def test_has_title(page: Page):


The command to run this small test in headed mode is pytest --headed. You should be able to see a small window open and shutting real fast and a similar output in your terminal:

$ pytest --headed
======================= test session starts =======================
platform linux -- Python 3.12.8, pytest-8.3.4, pluggy-1.5.0
rootdir: /home/acabista/Documents/automations/web-automation-framework
configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: anyio-4.8.0, base-url-2.1.0, playwright-0.7.0
collected 1 item                                                  

tests/test_playwright_page.py .                             [100%]

======================== 1 passed in 0.95s ========================


I hope this helped you with your Playwright setup in Fedora. If it didn’t, there are many discussions happening in the GitHub issues page for Playwright about the missing support for Linux OS and the community is posting a lot of different solutions in the comments. I recommend you to take a look at the issues to check for different solutions.